Data Labeling
Labeling is one of the most important needs of research centers/universities and businesses working on machine learning-based products. Captcha services have the potential to label data at scale. At ARCaptcha, we use this opportunity to help the aforementioned centers.
Every time you solve an ARCaptcha image challenge, the image will be labeled for an Iranian research center or university. By using ARCaptcha, you too are helping the researchers expand knowledge.
By using external captcha services, you help the Internet giants' artificial intelligence services get even stronger! These companies use the labeled data exclusively for their own benefit.
At ARCaptcha, we seek to use this convenience to help spread knowledge. In this regard, we will soon start labeling and developing an open dataset.
We would like to cooperate with research centers, universities and Iranian businesses in this field. If you think we can cooperate with you or your organization, contact us.
contact us
Room 1003, 10th floor, No. 78, Alzahra University Technology Complex, intersection of 16 Azar Street, Keshavarz Boulevard, Tehran, Iran
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